Hannah Eugster



Posts in Film
A Roll of Film

I've finally developed the first roll of color film I had shot back in March. The photos turned out...kind of okay. Not quite like I'd hoped but I do enjoy the colors and I'm excited to continue shooting and learning! 

This roll was shot on a hike with my pup (of course) and my good friend Justin. He was teaching me a bit about how to backpack and we went for a day hike a couple hours from home. This was before I had even started training with Ender and its hard for me to even remember Ender as an untrained wack-a-doo but I definitely do not miss it. (The last two photos are from later in the month but I still liked the photos so I thought I'd include them.)


I'm very excited to tell you that I recently got a full time job! I've started working for the Company that helped me train Ender. Its a family owned company called Bay Area Family K9 and all I do is train dogs all day! Can you believe it?! I get paid to train and hangout with dogs. Best dog ever. I can't believe it. The only issue is that I'm away from my own puppy for most of the day. I'd bring him to work but I'm super busy for most of the day so still figuring out how to schedule enough time in the day for Ender's proper care/walks. But with this full time work I'll be able to afford a raw food diet for Ender!!! Thats been the goal for a while so I'm really excited about it. Tell me about your daily schedules with your dogs! I'd love to get some ideas/input on fun things for him to do while I'm away :) Have a good rest of your week! 

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